Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Our event: Say 'yes' or 'no' to Scottish Independence.

Firstly, we would like to thank our guest speakers on behalf of the Better Together Youth and Students campaign, Christine Jardine, and on behalf of the Yes Aberdeen Youth and Students, Councillor Graham Dickson, for coming to join us for this event and present both sides of what seems to be a very controversial subject amongst the students of the University of Aberdeen. 

If you missed this event, here is a little summary of what happened!

The debate was opened by Better Together speaker, Christine Jardine.
Here are a few of her main points: 

- To suggest that Scotland will be better without the influence of the UK, is to say that Scots are better than everyone else, in my eyes, we are not, we are equal. Who is to say that we will be better off alone?
- We will lose our voice amongst international politics. In organisations such as the UN, we have our own voice as the British people.
- To say that a valid reason for independence is that parliament is far away from Scotland is silly. Look at the US. 
- The pro's of being part of the British Embassy - offering protection for our nationals worldwide - these are things we take for grants as we do not see it in practice every day. 

This was followed by an argument presented by Yes Aberdeen speaker, Graham Dickson.
Here are a few of his main points: 

- Scotland will be better at running Scotland. No one knows what is best for Scotland better than Scotland does. 
- Our oil gives Scotland a surplus, if we gain independence, we can decide how we spend that money ourselves. 
- There is nothing to suggest that the EU would reject our application to be a part of it.
- The pound cannot be taken from us, and we do not have to be part of the Euro to be part of the EU. To suggest otherwise is false. 
- The disparity of the 9.9% of UK taxation Scotland pays compared to the 9.3% it receives. 

This was followed by question time, and there was no shortage of those. Questions were asked from both Yes and No supporters, and former P&IR President Monique BouffĂ© forced Graham into a corner with a question about practicality vs conviction - was the Yes side really about what’s best for Scotland on a realistic level, or simply on the basis of their belief in an independent nation? No answer was forthcoming. 

More of the questions asked by students included: 

Where will the funding for universities throughout Scotland come from if 'Rest of the UK' students no longer have to pay £9,000 a year for tuition?
Do you think it is entirely true to say that Scotland would have to take the Euro?

However, it is fair to say that neither sides of the debate could present clear enough answers, as the information is not available.

Most importantly, we would like to know what you, the students think of this subject.
Take part in the poll in the side bar to the right of the page, or comment below with your opinions!

Thanks to everyone that attended this event, we had a fantastic turn out.

A special thanks to Jonathan Kerr for his help with this post!


Wednesday 27th November 
'Who runs the world? Do women make the better Heads of States?'
Discussion on feminism with Dr Marysia Zalewski
Macrobert MR310 - Third Floor 


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